Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Animal Farm to the Real World

One form of allegory that occured in the story "Animal Farm" is when the pig snowball turned his back on the rest of the animals and gave information to the people trying to keep the animals freedom from ever portaining or reaching them. This happens on many different ocassions in the real world. For example, some people who fight war for one country could end up being spies for another country and tell the country they were spying for all the information about its enemy just like snowball did in the story. Another example is a friend who you thought you could trust and you happened to tell them something bad about another person and then your friend goes and tells that person exactly what you said about him. That is exactly what happened in the story. Many stories contain allegory but this story in general happened to exceed the number of allegories themselves than many other stories. This is one example of allegory from this story.


  1. This post really didn't make much sense to me but good job on getting your homework done.

  2. You don't really get it because you haven't read our story Thank You very much
