Monday, April 4, 2011

Homonym Poem

Last week I felt strong, not weak. I felt new but I knew it was just a stage. Planning a voyage to where I don't know, so I dont know what to wear. It is said I need four days worth of clothing for this vacation. I stepped outside, the blue sky blew some gust at me. I packed the clothes one by one until the goal was won. My dad said check the weather because that will determine whether I go or not. The weather was good I stepped outside my dad said "wait make sure you didn't pack too much weight. I headed off to the voyage that I was sent, to make a couple cents.


  1. I know that this was a homework assingment but you should have made since.HAHA

  2. I agree with Shaurice!! but good job.

  3. Homonyms need to be underlined
