Tuesday, April 5, 2011

UnGoogleable Research Paper – Website Evaluation Tips

For my research paper I went to the website www.baseballssteroidera.com, which informed me about all the past players who have been tested positive for performance enhancing drugs or steroids. I asked both of my houseparents if they felt this website would help with my research and this is what they said. Chas said "I think it can be very helpful considering it also has their stats before and after use". I also asked his wife Pamela and she agreed. The student I asked was Michael Cotter (My House mate) and he said he think it will be helpful but I might need another resource to go along with it for enough information to cover the whole paper. This advice is going to help me because I know exactly what to look for. I'll be sure to give them my thanks.


  1. Fantastic job, well done on getting this done.

  2. Maybe the upper classmen should have told you a little more deatil or an example.

  3. I have to agree with Shaurice, a little more detail. Over all good job on doing your blog post.
