Monday, October 4, 2010

My Memorable Days

1. When I was seven years old I almost died from a serious concussion.
2. When I was six my mom had her first daughter and my first sister.
3. When I was fifteen I found the love my life.
4. When I was eight I won my first spelling bee.
5. When I was five I won my first baseball game.
6. When I was eight I won my first baseball championship.
7. When I was nine I got into the foster system.
8. When I was fourteen I moved to San Pasqual Academy.
9. When I was eight my mom had my youngest sister.
10. When I was seven my favorite dog died.


  1. Wow, number 10 is depressing, and number three is sweet.

  2. I agree with number three. Wait that is about me right? haha JK

  3. Wow Bestfriend I don't think that number 3 is correct, but I think that you should write about it.

  4. Marcus, please read and follow directions carefully. Some of the events on your list are missing setting and/or conflict. Proofread your work before publishing.

  5. I bet when you moved to spa that was the best thing that every happened to you.

  6. wow mexican i came into foster care at the age of nine too:(- genonna
