Monday, August 30, 2010

To Die For

My most valuable possession, I guess you can say, is my girlfriend. There is not a thing I wouldn't do for her. We always have fun together and enjoy the time we do spend even if it is not much. We have our arguments but at the end of the day everything is perfect. Without hesitating I would die for her. When you really care about something there is no reason you wouldn't do anything you can for them. That is my most valuable possession and someone I would die for. She is by far the closest person besides my dad that I have.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Plot Change

If I was in Tom Benecke's shoes I would have never climbed out the window. I would of went to Home Depot to buy a stick that could reach the paper instead. I would not risk my life for a piece of paper. The plot would change a lot if he were to never step out the window because he would not have had time to think about his priorities and made the decision to spend time with his wife. He would of proceeded with his life the same way that he was. The plot would change dramatically if he never left his window.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Paralyzed By Fear

One day I was jumping off the roof of my mom's car to slam dunk a basketball into the basketball hoop. It was a cloudy day with rain showers coming and going throughout the day. Before I got on the roof of the car I had been waiting for almost 30 minutes for the rain to stop. It finally did. I decided that I was feeling very energetic and I could make a jump that was lower to the ground and further from the hoop. The rim and backboard still had rain on it from the showers just minutes before. I grabbed the ball and without thinking about it, I jumped for the rim. I was in the air and as I was getting closer to the rim I thought to myself "I'm going to make this jump easily". I had thought wrong. My hand had reached the rim but I was a little short of getting my whole hand grasped on. I held on to the rim too long and it sprung up and launched me into the air. It wasn't raining water at the time but it was literally raining people. I landed on the cement straight on my head. I layed there in shock because I did not know what just happened. I was scared because I instantly became tired and I was worried that I could die. I wound up losing my vision and blanking out. To this day I do not remember being taken to the hospital and being treated by doctors. When I regained consiousness, I was standing in the middle of the hospital hallway with a sprite in my hand and dressed in nothing but a hospital gown. My mom then filled me in on everything that had happened. I will never forget the day that I, Marcus Bradshaw, the toughest guy on the block, would be paralyzed by fear.

My Decision

At the stage of my life that I am in today, where fun is hard to come by, I would choose to hang out with my friend rather than doing homework. I rarely get to enjoy myself here on this campus. A lot of times feeling depressed but covering it up with a smile. The only thing that has kept me constantly happy here at SPA is my girlfriend. She can bring happiness to me instantly. Every second I spend with her is fun. If she or my best friend showed up at my house, I must say that I would choose them over homework without having to think about it. I get my homework done even though I do value my friends more so I really don't worry about staying at home to do it. The decision I would make without hesitation would be to go with my friend.

Monday, August 23, 2010

T.V Show/ Spongebob

The plot means that the inspector of Bikini Bottom has not tried a Krabby Patty but because of the way it was assembled she had it in her mind that the Krabby Patty would not taste good. So when she came to that conclusion she decided that it should be banned from sell in Bikini Bottom. Mr. Krabbs loves to make money and the only way he did that was buy selling Krabby Patties. He continues to sell them illegally in Spongebobs house and the inspector finds out. She goes to the home to find out what she heard was character. She handcuffed Mr. Krabbs and just then she tripped over her shoe lace and a Krabby Patty fell in her mouth. She loved the taste so much that she decided not to ban it anymore. The End.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Free Post

Since the age of seven, I knew I wanted to be a Major League Baseball Player. That is the only thing to this day I am for sure about. The first little league team I was on, we won the championship. It was the funnest experience I have ever had and I will never forget it. I had a great coach and great teammates who always go along. I dream of one day playing for the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim. I have went to hundreds of Angel's games and had the funnest times of my life there. They will always be my favorite team until the day I did. My favorite player of all time does not play on the Angel's though. His name is Prince Fielder and he plays on the Milwaukee Brewers. My most memorable day at Angel Stadium was game 7 of the World Series! They won that day and the whole city of Anaheim went crazy! It was only me and my Dad who ended up going because my mom and my two brothers chose to go to disneyland instead. I must say that day was the best day of my life and just gives me one more reason to love the sport of baseball.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

A Birthday to Remember

A Birthday to Remember

January 29th, 2008, a day I will never forget. It was my 13th birthday and my grandparents threw me a huge party because I was turning to a teenager. I had a seventy-five dollar ice cream cake from Baskin Robins. They paid three-hundred dollars to rent a jumper for my brother, my two friends, and I. They gave me hundreds of dollars to go shopping for clothes, and at that time I had my life made easy. That day was the perfect day, but right before bed we decided to go on the jumper for some late night fun. We were wrestling in the dark and having the most fun of my life. Then they decided to gang up on me because I was the “birthday boy” While they tackled me to the ground, my friend Gordo landed with all his weight on my foot and ended up breaking my pinky toe. I couldn’t walk in shoes for three weeks after that! It was a great day even though I got hurt. I don’t regret it because it was all in fun. That was my birthday to never forget!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

6 Q's in the News

WHO is the president of Pakistan?
-The president of Pakistan is Asif Ali Zardari.
WHAT problems have recent monsoon rains caused in Pakistan?
-The monsoon rains has caused ferocious flooding throughout Pakistan and has caused
thousands of people to go without food and water and it has resulted in many deaths.
WHERE in the country have people been hard-hit by the rains and flooding?
The city of Muzaffargarh is where most of the flooding has taken place.
WHEN was the last major natural disaster in Pakistan?
The last major natural disaster was an Earthquake that took place in 2005 in the city of Kashmir.
WHY are aid workers having trouble reaching the affected areas?
It is hard for aid workers to make there way through such deep flooding and the only affective source of reaching the harmed is by helicopter.
HOW many people have been affected, and killed, in the current disaster in Pakistan?
Six million people have been affected and over a thousand five-hundred have died due to this huge tragedy.

25 Random Things About Me

Twenty-Five Random Things

1. While on a freeway I tend to chatter my teeth every time we pass a lane separator line.
2. In my first year of baseball my team only had one loss the whole year and it was my fault that we lost.
3. My favorite food is Spaghetti but I will not eat it if it has meatballs in it.
4. When I was little my favorite hip hop artist was Usher.
5. I cannot go anywhere in public without wearing matching clothes.
6. I cannot sleep if there is light in my room.
7. I watch an episode of Family Guy every night before I go to sleep.
8. I hate when people make loud noises with their mouth while eating.
9. My brother is the only person who knows how to get me pissed
10. In fourth grade I won the school spelling bee.
11. I have played baseball for eight years.
12. I have played football and basketball for a combination of 2 and a half years.
13. Whenever I go to a fancy restaurant I only get Steak or Salmon.
14. If I cant find my phone in my front pockets I instantly start panicking even if it is in my back pocket.
15. I had Honor Roll for my first 5 years of school but I’ve been horrible since.
16. Every time i go to Burger King I get the Chicken Fries.
17. I only like wearing High-Top shoes and rarely wear low-tops.
18. I am scared to even try skateboarding because every time I try I get hurt.
19. I have rolled my ankle playing basketball 7 times.
20. I am already in love with my girlfriend because everything is always great.
21. I have always loved Lamborghini's.
22. The only video games I play are sports games.
23. My passwords for everything always has to be the same thing.
24. I had a concussion when I was 7 and I tend to get headaches due to it.
25. I don’t like wearing sweatshirts because I always tend to get too hot.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Monday, August 9, 2010

My Embarrassing Moment

Most Embarrassing Moment

I have had many embarrassing moments in my life but the one that stands out the most in my memory is an incident I had during a spelling bee. It was the district spelling bee that I had reached in my fourth grade. I had just one first place in my school so I was sent to districts. I made it into the late rounds and I was very nervous. As I was walking up to the middle of the stage I tripped and fell over the microphone in front of hundreds of people. I got up as quick as I could but I knew there was no avoiding the laughs of all the audience in attendance. I was so embarrassed and kept thinking about my trip, I wound up thinking about it too much and misspelling my next word. I was eliminated from the district spelling bee and went to the audience where my mom was watching. We then left and went home but I could not stop thinking about my fall. The next day at school all my friends starting joking around with me and gave me the nickname “kid who tripped at the bee”. I was called that name for the rest of the year and still to this day have not forgotten that embarrassing incident. But now thinking back at it I tend to find myself laughing.

A Weekend to Remember

The weekend of August 7th, 2010 I went to the movies with my housemates. We went to see the movie The Other Guys with Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg. It was a hilarious movie to enjoy with friends. While leaving the movies I ran into my old roomate Jose. It was good to see him because me and him had a really close friendship before him leaving San Pasqual Academy. That following day I played basketball games in the gym with many of the other students at SPA. We had some good games that were really intense. In the first two games I got the game winning shots which was pretty fun. To top it all off, I got my computer to work again for me which gave me a huge relief because I have tons of important documents on my computer. This weekend was a very fun and eventful time for me. This was my weekend to remember.

Friday, August 6, 2010

First Day Blog Post

The first day of school was pretty fun. I always find it interesting to see who all is going to be in my class for two quarters. Most of the classes that I have seem exactly the same as they were last year. Ms.Davis is the only new class that I have. I really think that I will be able to pull off a 4.0 GPA in one of the four quarters this year.