Tuesday, January 11, 2011

“Through the Tunnel” Prove Yourself Paragraph

There is one time in my life that a vividly remember being doubted and was said that I could not accomplish the feat. Me being very energetic and high in self-esteem, I assured myself with hard work and a little extra studying that I could place first through third in my elementary school spelling bee. All the students said that I could not beat out the five fifth graders while I was a fourth grader. I remember being doubted but always telling them, “You’ll See”. The day came where I could finally prove myself. Words started off easy and made their way more difficult. I soon found myself in the top five out of twenty five students participating. Their was five of us left and just as expected four of them were fifth graders and I was the only fourth grader left. Two of them missed their next word which assured a top 3 finish. I ended up with the third place which is not the best but I still proved my doubters wrong and that’s all I could ask for.

1 comment:

  1. Do you remember the word you spelled wrong? I lost a spelling bee in first grade for misspelling "shopping." :)
