Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Most Memorable Day of Vacation

My Most Memorable Holiday Experience

Have you ever woke up with the excitement that you are finally going to get something very special that you have waited two years to get? That is just how this wonderful day began. I woke up to the voices of my housemates telling me to go open my Christmas presents in the living room. I jumped out of bed, wet my hair so I didn’t look to horrible, and made my way to the living room to open presents with the hope of my long awaited shoes to be there.
I grabbed the four presents that I had under my tree and began speculating on which one I should open first. I decided it was a good idea to start with the smaller presents first and then start working my way up from there. I started with the small one and opened up a watch. The next gift I opened was a Denver Broncos blanket. Next was an axe set. Then the last box I knew was shoes because I could feel it by just holding it. I prayed to myself and then began opening. As soon as I made the first tear I knew they were Lebron James shoes, the same brand that I had asked for. I tore through the rest and realized they weren’t the exact same ones I wanted but they were still pretty cool shoes. I was happy with the ones I got although they were not my dream shoes.
After I put my presents away I went to my little brother Michael’s house. We played video games for an hour and then headed up to the cafĂ© for their so called “Christmas Brunch”. They had excellent food and stuffed my self with all of it. After that I spent the rest of my day with my girlfriend which was the best part of all. It was the best Christmas I can ask for, being able to have presents and people I love and care about to spend it with. This day could not have been any better.

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