Monday, September 13, 2010

9/11 Memory

When the tragedy of september eleventh occured I was playing in a flag football game. I was on a team named the Browns and I remember it was a Tuesday because game days were only on Tuesdays. We lost that game by two points but I scored my first touchdown of the season. I did not know about the twin towers until I got home and even then I did not know what to think of it. I honestly felt that it was no big deal because it didn't happen anywhere near me. It was all over the news channels so it was hard to avoid it. Back then it was not a big deal to me but now that I'm older and understand things more I realize how tragic that day was.


  1. Maybe You should read news articles more.

  2. Marcus, I thought the same thing. I didn't understand what the commotion was about, but yes, as time goes by, we learn the what and why things happened.
    (Remember to capitalize proper nouns, like September and Twin Towers.)
