Thursday, September 9, 2010

Rat & The Cafe

There was once a mouse named Jaykae. He loved tuna. So one day he had a master plan to steal some tuna from the Cafe down the street, but it was too far of a walk for him. He then began sorting ideas on logical ways to get to the Cafe without walking. He attempted to get in the muffler of a car and jump out when he gets close but he figured it was too dangerous. So he decided to get a ride with a man who rides his bike down the street every day with his son. The man would pedal while his son was in a carriage attached to the back of the bike. Jaykae then jumped in with the man's son and the son fell in love with Jaykae. So he asked his dad if he could keep him and they went to their house and the first meal they gave him was Tuna.

1 comment:

  1. Look over your work before posting it. There are errors here and there, but they cost you points.
