Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Psychiatric Center for Research on Regressive Tendencies

I am headed to a phschiatric center for taking a walk in the middle of the night. As we are approaching our destination in the car I begin to think what life has came to. How technology has taken over the world. The office pulled me out the car and I seen a huge building that was made of solar panals so that they can receive energy from the sun. Their doors open automatically and the doors had metal detectors to make sure nobody is smuggling in guns. As I walked inside I was expecting to see a secretary but instead their were work robots that speak like humans and think like humans except they do not have emotions. They were there strictly for work. A robot walked me to my small room that I will be staying in. It was full of motion sensors and each of them had a different job. They could tell anything from my heart rate to what I'm thinking. I began to observe everything being that I will be living here from now on.

1 comment:

  1. Marcus, you need to proofread and edit your work before posting it! You will continue to lose points if you continue to fail to do so.
