Monday, August 9, 2010

My Embarrassing Moment

Most Embarrassing Moment

I have had many embarrassing moments in my life but the one that stands out the most in my memory is an incident I had during a spelling bee. It was the district spelling bee that I had reached in my fourth grade. I had just one first place in my school so I was sent to districts. I made it into the late rounds and I was very nervous. As I was walking up to the middle of the stage I tripped and fell over the microphone in front of hundreds of people. I got up as quick as I could but I knew there was no avoiding the laughs of all the audience in attendance. I was so embarrassed and kept thinking about my trip, I wound up thinking about it too much and misspelling my next word. I was eliminated from the district spelling bee and went to the audience where my mom was watching. We then left and went home but I could not stop thinking about my fall. The next day at school all my friends starting joking around with me and gave me the nickname “kid who tripped at the bee”. I was called that name for the rest of the year and still to this day have not forgotten that embarrassing incident. But now thinking back at it I tend to find myself laughing.

1 comment:

  1. I also had an embarrassing spelling bee moment. I lost the final round, because I misspelled shopping. I left out a "p"! My parents laughed about it for years.
